An obituary is often the final opportunity to share the story of a person's life with the world. Most obituaries today are written by Funeral Directors with little formal training in the art form of the written word. With your and/or your loved ones input, we can write an obituary that is a fitting tribute to a person's legacy. You can, "own your own story", when the time comes for it to be told.
We pledge to spend the necessary time and effort to ensure that every obituary fully meets our clients' expectations. Whether we meet in person at the client's home or virtually, we will sit and discuss the life lived and use our skills and expertise to tell our client's story to each of their standards. If we cannot reach a satisfactory result, then we will not accept payment for our services.
Our writer has a background in creative writing, with books and poetry in print and available for purchase. They are also trained and licensed in obituary writing and funeral service. This combination of skill and experience provides our clients with a unique and valuable resource to fulfill our service.
___ was a woman of great Christian faith. She approached every day as an opportunity to shine brightly under the watchful eye of the Lord. Interestingly enough, even though her dedication to her faith could be referenced as saintly by some, it was her deviled eggs that repeatedly stole the show at any potluck or family gathering that she attended. She was a dedicated mother, a fiercely loving grandmother, and really a trusted and unflappable caregiver to all children. Whether it be a friend, relative, or neighbor, if in a pinch, ___ could always be counted on to provide care and comfort to a child in need. In her free time, ___ would travel great lengths to share time with family members, she enjoyed a rousing game of Bingo, and in quiet moments loved to read a good book. She will be remembered with enduring love by all who knew her.
Despite the profound grief he faced in life after the passing of his daughter, ____ remained upbeat and optimistic. He could always be relied upon to offer a hearty greeting, a firm handshake, and a bit of humor to help set the mood. He truly was a genuine human being who could make a stranger at ease, and a friend just slightly uncomfortable enough to illicit smiles all around. ____ believed strongly in a patriotic love for his country, boundless love for his family, and his devotion to the Green Bay Packers, Chicago White Sox, and "The King" Elvis Presley. He loved sharing time with the family; either fixing up old cars, playing cards, or just watching a classic old western on the television. In the midst of the great sadness brought on by his passing, the family takes comfort knowing that if ____ were able, he would use his quick-witted humor to help mend their aching hearts.
___ was a devoted baseball fan, so much so that he was able to walk that fine line of rooting for both the Chicago White Sox as well as the Chicago Cubs, which is no small feat in the Chicagoland area. His devotion to baseball could only be surpassed by his love for his wife, children, and grandchildren. He worked tirelessly in his career to provide for his family, and then he worked even harder coaching his three boys to reach their fullest potential in baseball, but also in many other sports as well. His impact on the community becomes obvious when one considers that even to this day, __ is fondly known as “coach” to so many area residents who grew up with the pleasure of having been led by him on the playing fields. He will be remembered fondly by his dear wife, his children and his grandchildren who will never be able to see a scratch-off lottery ticket again without thinking of him. He will be sorely missed.
_____ was not one of the fortunate souls who are afforded the resources and circumstances to live a life driven by free will. She instead lived a life of necessity, as she served as the sole provider for her three children while raising them. There was never a time that something didn’t need to be done when her children were small. She shouldered that load willingly to allow her children to experience a taste of what a more carefree life can be. She may not have had the time to attend her children’s sporting events and school functions like the other parents, but it was the sacrifice of time and effort that she made which allowed them to experience those things. Driven by a desire to give her children just a little bit more than what she ever had, _____ was highly respected as a valued employee during her career as a bookkeeper. She appreciated the respite that humor can provide, and was often willing to offer a small joke or wry smile to help maintain a positive mood in group settings. Since she knew intimately of the challenges often posed by the world around us, she was always careful to help steer her grandchildren towards paths that she believed would help best prepare them to face those challenges. When _____ needed to be stern with her granddaughter, her granddaughter would make her a handmade card to show how much she loved and appreciated her. _____ saved every one of those cards as a reminder that sometimes we need to be firm, even with those we only want to love. Later in life, _____ enjoyed watching old westerns, Wheel of Fortune, the Hallmark channel, reading romance novels, doing crosswords in ink, and she made a great plate of spaghetti. _____ collected porcelain guardian angels throughout her life, which perhaps signified the role she so excelled in during life, as a guardian for all most dear to her. Now that she has passed, she can be one of those guardian angels for the loving family that she protected throughout her days.
______ was proud to have served the United States of America as a member of the U.S. Army from 19__ through 19__. He was stationed in Alaska during his military service and quickly fell in love with the seemingly endless beauty and majesty of the area. He was fond of telling stories from his time spent there, with a favorite being his tale of sleeping in a truck in temperatures that plummeted to 50 degrees below zero. He longed to return to Alaska one day to relive those memories and see more of the beautiful landscape. His family is comforted by the idea that he is currently surrounded by comparable beauty as he has returned to the loving embrace of his parents, his wife, and his son. The opportunity to visit Alaska sparked a great passion for travel within ______. He and _____ spent many hours on the open road, traveling the country to all of the best lively spots this wonderful country has to offer. Whether heading to Branson, The Lake of the Ozarks, or Las Vegas, two things were certain. _______ would be behind the wheel, while _____ served as his trusty navigator. She was known to say that _______ could get himself lost on a one way street, but _____ could always be counted on to keep him on the right path. His love for travel sparked a near obsession with different makes and models of cars. He passed that along to his sons, especially with the time and energy that he spent working on cars in the family driveway. ______ purchased, organized, and displayed scale model replicas of all different types of cars, and later in life loved to visit area car shows. People who knew ______ will undoubtedly remember his fondness for a great classic Western style movie. If anything with “The Duke” John Wayne was available on T.V., you could be sure that ______ would call his great friend ___ over so the two of them could pull up a chair and watch with a favorite cigar and a cold beer. When the kids were still little and out playing in the neighborhood, they would be called home for dinner by ______’s distinct whistle. They knew the rules. If they didn’t show when they heard that whistle, then it was likely that they wouldn’t be eating that evening. So until we hear that whistle carrying on the wind again calling the rest of his family home in time, ______ will be loved and missed.
_____ lived a life worthy of a novel or major motion picture. She grew up in the town of ___ while it was still predominantly farmland, and it was not uncommon for _____ to have ridden one of the family horses on the same roads that today serve as the main thoroughfares through the area. Inspired by her grandfather’s work as a contractor building the _____ School of Nursing Dormitory, _____ decided to attend that school and become a nurse herself. After graduating, _____ spent some time working at different hospitals in _____ before deciding to enlist in the U.S. Army in 19__. The war in Vietnam dominated the nation’s consciousness at that time, and ____ knew that she could put her skills and education to great use providing medical aid to our servicemen and women. As a _______ stationed in Japan, ____ cared for the most critically injured of combat soldiers. There was no limit to the lengths she would go to care for a patient, both figuratively and literally. On two separate occasions, _____ cared for patients on trans-Pacific flights to ensure that they made it home with the best possible opportunity for survival. After being honorably discharged at the end of her tour in 19__, _____ chose to continue to serve her country as a U.S. Army reservist. She did so proudly until her retirement in 19__. Her family will always remember her fondly and with great respect and admiration. Ask any of them about her and they will not be able to contain the immediate reaction of joy and awe that she inspired. She has been referred to as their “true supporter, cheerleader, bonus mother, and friend” as well as “a kindred spirit to Amelia Earhardt who shared a unique sense of determination, curiosity, and adventure”. No one was going to tell _____ what she could or could not do in her life, and she quite possibly did it all. Mention a place, or time, or experience and _____ could dip into the memory banks of her many travels and share a fitting anecdote or poignant piece of advice. To sum her up in a few words would be to say that she had an extraordinary amount of care and compassion for her family, an endless well of generosity, and an absolutely wicked sense of humor. All attempts to perfectly convey the enormity of her presence in this world will ultimately fall short. She lived a life beyond what words can describe, and will serve as a source of pride and inspiration to all that knew her for many more years to come.
…it was during his time at _____ that he was able to apply his passion for helping the people in his community by creating a full time ministry serving the homeless and needy. He operated the _____ Ministry in Chicago for __ years, providing clothing, food, blankets, and other necessities. He was always willing to sacrifice his own time and energy to help mediate solutions to a myriad of problems, listen to those who have no others to hear their concerns, and ultimately to love those that need to be loved the most. He found ingenious ways to use the donations of the community to best serve as many people as possible. A great source of pride was his concept of providing coupon booklets to the indigent for local area restaurants so that they could not only be sure to eat, but also be able to get in from the cold and use a clean, safe public restroom. ______ wasn’t interested in quick and easy, he wanted things to be done well and in a lasting manner. Known to his family as Uncle ____, he was always a favorite guest at family parties. He walked with a smile on his face, laughter in his eyes, and love in his heart. He was loved by children due to his gentle and accepting nature, and he excelled at staying in touch with family even across great distances. Always willing to reminisce and choosing to focus on the good in those that crossed his path, _____ set a high standard. His family continues to hold him in the highest of regards for his commitment to faith, family, and community. _____ will be missed and remembered fondly for as long as those who knew him continue to walk this Earth. He was one of the good ones, and the world is better for having had him walk upon it.
____ lived his life, and lived it wonderfully! He was named student of the month at his Elementary school and his teachers couldn’t say enough about his hardworking, upbeat attitude. He always greeted every challenge, no matter the size, with a wide smile and a willingness to give his all, regardless of his available energy. From the moment ____’s parents prayed over him at two weeks of age asking for a miracle, to the moment that he drew his final breath, God worked through ____. His light shone through ____ when he listened to music, played outside on the swings, shared hugs and squeezes, played on his device, or enjoyed the outdoors watching the bubbles dance on the breeze. For his entire life ____ beat the odds, starting at birth by being given only days to live. His uncommon strength, inextinguishable joy, and unbridled love for life will always serve as a goal for those who knew him to strive toward. Overcoming the physical limitations caused by his genetic affliction, he was an unquestionable miracle in life, and he is now undoubtedly a perfect angel in heaven.
___ lived a life almost exclusively made up of firsts. The first time he was held in his mother’s arms, the first time he felt the comforting presence of his father’s protection, his first real smile, his first photo shoot which he made it through without closing his eyes, even his first rattle which was still slightly too large for him to hold in his little hand. Everything in this world was new to ___, and he faced it with wide-eyed joy. In so little time, he was able to share so much with his family.
Mom and Dad knew him, they knew his heart, and they could tell that he knew theirs. The world will always remain new for _____, he will never know the challenges, the heartbreaks, and all of the other parts of life that dampen our perspectives on the world. He will only ever know the beauty, the joy, and the love that living a life has to offer. He was a perfect child, free from all harsh realities. He will remain perfect in his parents’ memories, and will always serve as a guiding light for them. He is now, and will forever be, their little angel in heaven.
_____ was a dedicated parishioner of varying area churches throughout her life, in line with her Catholic faith. She cared for her community as a member of the local chapter of the ______ Ladies Auxiliary as well as the American Legion. As much as she cared for her neighbors and friends, nothing compared to the time, focus, and energy that she committed to raising her three boys. The loving bond that she was able to build with her children and their extended families is obvious to even the most casual observer. One of the few things that could draw her attention ever so briefly from attending to her family, was a good game of bingo. She had her regular games that she attended, but was always willing to play a few rounds wherever and whenever the opportunity presented. A lasting image etched into the memories of many, family, friends, and loved ones will be of ____ quietly leaning over her Bingo cards searching for the most recent call while carefully sipping from a steaming hot cup of coffee. With a quick smile and a knowing glance to those around her, she would slowly rise to her feet and call out with a sense of pride and accomplishment, BINGO! You will be missed and remembered dearly ____. May your coffee always be hot and your Bingo cards always be full.
Being born and raised in Joliet, _____ found his fair share of mischief along with his cousins and friends in his youth. He always had an independent nature about him, and never allowed fear to steer him away from a desired goal. In 19__, he married the love of his life _____, and the two set to work building their legacy. For _____, the important things in life were relatively simple; family comes before all else, country is to be honored and respected, and a man’s relationship with God must be tended to regularly, which he was proud to partake in as a devout member of the Catholic Church. In 19__, ______founded ____ _____ Company and served as General Manager for the rest of his career. He was a well-respected, self-made man who was incredibly proud of his family and the beautiful homestead that he painstakingly created for them to enjoy. When he was faced with a challenge; whether his courageous health battle, or the crushing loss of his son at far too young of an age, he stood up to that challenge and refused to wither under the weight. He believed that he could carry anything on his shoulders in order to protect the ones he held most dear. His motto was “I won’t back down”, and he lived by that maxim with stoic determination. Even in his final moments, he was careful to ask about his wife _______ and her comfort, when the longing to find his own comfort must have been overpowering. His family will forever walk in his footsteps, without ever considering that his shoes could ever be filled.
__ was a man who spent his life getting things done. He fell in love with fast cars as a young man rebuilding different vehicles to make them faster, louder, and all around better. Eventually he became so good at this passion that he had to trade drag races down _______ Ave. in Chicago for drag races on more legitimate tracks. His dragster carried him to a first place finish at The World of Wheels race event. However, __ was not limited to working on cars exclusively, the man could fix anything. He was great with his hands, and was completely self-sufficient with any work that needed to be done around the house. He was always ready to lend his expertise, advice, and physical prowess to any neighbor, friend, or even stranger that needed him. __ and ____ had an open door policy at the home when the kids were little and have surrogate children spread across the area. He was affectionately known as “Pop’s” to the neighborhood kids and beyond. For recreation, __ enjoyed spending time in their RV at the campgrounds in ________. The family spent countless hours around the campfire listening to Oldies and Country music, discussing the news of the day featured on CNN, or just talking about the impending changes in the weather. His daughters will be lost without his uncanny ability to predict the coming weather better than the area’s best meteorologists. If __ was parked in front of the TV, then you could bet he was watching either a NASCAR race or his beloved White Sox. The true essence of __ was his willingness to accept all people, regardless of differences, for who they are. He did not judge, he did not favor, he only looked at everyone before him with love, and was always there when needed. For his family going forward, no longer will they be able to look up into __’s eyes when they need him. They will now need to look slightly higher towards the heavens, but they have no doubt that when they do need him, he will be there just as he always has been.
_____ was a man that lived by his own convictions. He never let someone else’s viewpoint steer him away from what he believed was best for him and his family. His bravery was on full display when he got creative with a few documents so that he could join the United States Army before his eighteenth birthday, and it could never be questioned again after he parachuted into Korea during the Korean War as a proud member of the Army Paratroopers earning the Korean Service Ribbon, United Nations Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal with 1 Bronze Service Medal and his Parachute Badge. He was an outdoorsman through and through. He spent his free time hunting earlier in life and fishing later in life. If he could answer the question today as to what his favorite role in life was, he would without hesitation tell you of his grandchildren and great grandson. He always wanted them to have everything that he did not, and he was willing to spend all of his available time ensuring that they would. He coached Pee-Wee football and attended countless different sporting events with his wife _____, proving himself as one of the biggest supporters who could always be counted on to provide a word of encouragement or sage piece of wisdom when needed most. His surviving family moves forward with the fondest memories, comforted by the idea that he will be waiting for them with a deck of cards in hand ready to play a rousing game of Euchre when they all have the opportunity to be together again.
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